簡易字幕解説付(2021再編) 「風炉濃茶点前 中置・細水指」

  1. ホーム
  2. 9月
  3. 簡易字幕解説付(2021再編) 「風炉濃茶点前 中置・細水指」

先に投稿しました「風炉濃茶点前 中置・細水指 」の動画を、簡易字幕解説を付けて再編集しました。
We re-edited the previously posted “Furo – Koicha Temae using Hoso-Mizusashi” video with a brief commentary. But we are sorry for it’s only in Japanese.

A pleasant autumn breeze is blowing.

At this time of year when a “Furo-Kama” become installed in the middle of tatami mat, we can feel the change of seasons in earnest.

And same as the last year, this sad feeling to the passed summer feels somewhat and somehow strange.

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