簡易字幕解説付(2021再編) 「風炉濃茶点前 つるべ水指・長緒」

  1. ホーム
  2. 9月
  3. 簡易字幕解説付(2021再編) 「風炉濃茶点前 つるべ水指・長緒」

先に投稿しました「風炉濃茶点前 つるべ水指・長緒 」の動画を、簡易字幕解説を付けて再編集しました。
We re-edited the previously posted “Furo – Koicha Temae using Tsurube Mizusashi and Nagao” video with a brief commentary. But we are sorry for it’s only in Japanese.

In Japan, it seems that the number of people infected with COVID-19 is gradually decreasing.

We just hope that it will end soon, but also we have to be careful for countermeasures against the infection again.

Even so, vaccination has progressed, and we feel that the tea room has returned to a fun atmosphere, step by step.

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