簡易字幕解説付(2021再編) 「風炉薄茶点前 天然忌 竹台子一つ飾り」

  1. ホーム
  2. 9月
  3. 簡易字幕解説付(2021再編) 「風炉薄茶点前 天然忌 竹台子一つ飾り」

先に投稿しました「風炉の薄茶 天然忌 竹台子・細水指 」の動画を、簡易字幕解説を付けて再編集しました。
We re-edited the previously posted “Furo – Usucha Temae using Takedaisu” video with a brief commentary. But we are sorry for it’s only in Japanese.

In our region, it suddenly became chilly at the start of this September.

Please be careful not to get sick by this temperature difference.

When the air changes, we recognize that we’re moving to the next season, but feeling the end of hot summer makes us feel a little lonely.

SNS - All pages are welcome to share.